Pro's and Con's :D
Hey dude :D
Lets start this review off with a little "Pro's" and "Con's"
-The opening sounded awesome, with all the intro effects.
-The basic tune was good, I really liked it.
-The lead instrument sounds quite good as well.
-The percussion is quite well done as well, the parts where a double kick plays sounds nice.
-The tempo change at 2:06 is a nice concept.
-The drums though well composed, sound average, due to the crappy samples.
-You have a lot clipping problems, and this tends to be seen at the end of the song.
-There really is no no bass line.
-The tom fill at 1:55 doesn't fit to well, and could have been done better.
-The instrument at 0:24 second is good, but you should have made it sound a bit different to the preset.
-A string, or at least it sounds like one, enters at 1:29 and sound out of key or something.
-The loud explosion noise, I think called "Deep" from memory, is a good noise to use, I have used it many times, but you should have EQed it a little so its sound a bit more real...or at least different.
So thats my review, overall the song, though had some parts which needs to be worked on, is good. The tune is nice, the drums are well composed. The only thing is the lack of good samples, effects, and general EQing. The bass line stood out to me the most which needs to be fixed. You need to make it deeper but not interact with the other instruments if you know what I mean. You already have a lot of instrument up in the mid range and high range frequencies, you don't want a bass line cluttering up that space, or it'll end up sounding bad.
However, well done on a nice song, 9/10 and 5/5 from me, hope to see more of your stuff in the future. If you do submit anything else, send me a PM and I'll review, otherwise I'll forget to look you up :P
Good luck man :D
Your friend, Anima