View Profile Anima-Theory

84 Audio Reviews

61 w/ Responses

Lets play the pro's and cons games....

Ok, lets play the pro's and cons games

First Cons, they tend to be easier :P

-The piano, I think, should have more reverb on it and have less midrange freqs.
-The snare roll should have a bit more bass and mid on it.
-The bass line has a lot to be desired for as well...lack of complexity.
-It does get a little bit repetitive, ONLY A LITTLE THOUGH.
-There isn't much percussion either.
-For a trance song the over bass isn't loud.

-The piano has a fucking great tune.
-The bells work very nicely.
-The stringed instruments work very well and sound very professional.
-The snare rolls that you put in fit very well and add a lot of ambiance to the song.

There ARE more cons the pros, but whenever I write a review, there always are. Seriously though, very nice song, it is indeed your best, and I would be proud to submit this song. Very well done, you are a magnificent artist with a lot of potential and talent. Regardless of the above pros and cons, you do deserve a 10/10 and 5/5.

Hope to hear more soon

PM me when you submit again

Your mate


Qwertyuiopasd responds:

Thanks for the levelling/mastering suggestions. I don't really know much about mastering in FL, but I usually don't have too much problem avoiding it. unless I'm doing it without realizing it...

the newer version will have many more "takes" on the main riff, so even if they're not all completely different, I've learned that just the slightest bit of change can make something less monotonous

I hate the way I can't fit myself into one genre, because this really is more of a fusion piece. Classical instrumentation, but more electronic assembly and arrangement.

Thanks for the review, of course. :D


Silent Hill?

Woah, this song is great :D

Those drums you have sound awesome...almost from silent hill. The background distortion which fades out at the beginning of the song, sounds awesome. The noise at 4:34 sound heaps creepy :P

The only downside to this track is the lack of melody, and length, and the worst out of those two is the length. I think it does go for a bit too long.

Regardless, a very nice track, nice experimental piece you have here, well done my friend :D

Your friend,

Anima :D

Qwertyuiopasd responds:

Thanks, yeah, I might put more melody in. hmm, maybe some long whiny strings, and some reversed/distorted piano. bwa ha ha...

the drums are just a soundfont called ruckus with fl distortion on them.

huh. didn't want to do anything more with this song, but now that it's mentioned, I do want to. interesting.

well it won't be for a while, but thanks for the review man! Means a lot.


All I can say is.....

All I can say is......fucking fantastic my friend.

I honestly can't think of anything wrong with this track, The mixing is great, the drums are great, the tune is great.....nothing negative I can see at all. I know that's not much help, but seriously, I don't think you could do anymore to this track at all.

Well done my friend

pitbulljones responds:

awwwwww thanks man.

I think the track is a bit muddy meself, me harmonys are too drowned but hey everyone else seems to thinks its on. It needs mastering though and i aint too good at that yet. The drums are ezdrummer, I seriously advise you to get it. I aint a drummer i can't be arsed with drums fucking leave it to that i tell thee. haha well a review is better than no review at all glad you enjoyed it and thanks again.


More ambient than anything....

I wouldn't really call this trance :P

But hey, its a good song, more ambient than anything

Good work on a nice track :D


Qwertyuiopasd responds:

Yeah, I have some trouble labeling everything properly.... or I did at least. I know the genres better than when I submitted this.

Thanks for the review, It's an honour, as I've always liked your music... time to check out whatever new stuff you have :D


Not bad....

Not bad for a quick song :D

The crash is a bit too loud I think though, but thats pretty insignificant.

The song is mixed well, the drums are nice a subtle, the overall tune was good

Well done :D


vman456 responds:

Thanks a lot.

The reason why it's so inconsistent is because I was a little out of it at the moment I was composing this one. I was just trying to translate my experiences into music.

Flower Pot :D

Nice man,

Sound almost scary :D

This distorted noise sound sweet, and the nice humble bassline adds a lot of ambiance. The "lag" thing you do in some parts sound great, how did you do that?

The only thing is the drum beat at the end does not fit at all and sound pretty crap :P

Other than that, friggen awesome song, you made me penis ejaculate :D

Well done :D


TimeBender responds:

its extremley complicated goodnight!

Nice Track :D

Hey, I'm friends with one of your friends...Joobles

So, I'd like to begin with saying nice track, and I'd like to run through the things I liked about this song, and the things I didn't.

First, the things I liked;
I like the slide with the organ at the beginning. The basic tune is very nice, as is the more complex bass line. The instruments you used for this song fit really well. What are they exactly? Not much else really, its a pretty short song so there isn't a lot of points to make :P

Things I didn't like;
There seems to be a lot of clipping, due to the kicks over power. If you want the kick to be more predominant on a small system, bring the bass down and the volume up, if you'd rather have it mastered for a big system, then raise the bass as much as you can without clipping. In this song, i'd bring the bass down a bit. The only clipping problem you have is with bass, which in my experience is the easiest to fix. The worst is mid range clipping I have found. No wait...I lie, you have some mid range clipping with the lead instrument, but from the sound of it its only due to volume, so that can be easily fixed.

I also think you should put a FL DIST on the clap and snare with a big reverb. When using an FL DIST, you need to bring the instruments volume up, but bring the FX volume for the channel which is linked to it down, other wise its loud as hell.

The kick sample used is also pretty crap. You definitely need to get a better one.

Also, at the end of every 4 bars, or when you bring in an instrument or lose one, you don't have a crash. I'm not saying you NEED one, just they tend to add a lot to music when they are implemented.

Ok, I think that is all :D

Overall, a very nice sounding track, only a very few problems, but if you fixed these it would make the track A LOT better.

Well done :D


Spazbunny responds:

thanks for the lengthy review. points noted!


You suck ass :P

Well done though on a good song :D

Your mastering skills are getting A LOT better :D


TimeBender responds:

YAY ANIMA! omg where would I be without you? probably in a well.

Best track so far :D

This is your best song so far in my opinion

I like the hats, they sound very professional. The slides you put in sound very good, and add a lot to the song. You don't seem to have any clipping problems anymore which is very good, well done on that. Sometimes it takes me a good 2 hours or more just to solve clipping problems. I'm glad you got rid of that shitty clap sample :P The tune is bloody awesome, I might steal :P I also have noticed you stopped using the "deep" sound effect, which is good, the tempo change sounds awesome as well, your percussive skills on this song are great. The flute sound awesome as well, i just noticed that on the second play through :P

On the other hand though, the piano sounds to much like fruity loops, if you brought up the higher frequencies and brought down the mid, and put a nice warm reverb on it it sound a lot better. The opening sound effect should be played as long as it does in the song, and gets a little bit annoying, in my opinion. The snare drum you used, should have a big reverb, high bass, low mid, and highish frequencies. I can't really hear much of a bass line either, but that could because I just woke up :P. A filter on the master channel to stop high piercing frequencies should be used as well, cause sometimes you don't hear them at low volumes, but play high, you almost blow your brains out :P

Not much else to say I think, only minor tweaks are needed in this song, well done on your best track I have heard so far :D

Your friend,

Anima :D

Joobles responds:

Hmmm, thanks for the suggestions, I'll try those out. But to be honest, I don't have a flute sound in the song= ) The only thing i can think of that sounds like a flute is the higher strings part. And I didn't really have a bassline, it wasn't really appropriate(in my mind) for the "old" style of the song. I'll try and see if I can add one though, but...

The tempo change was a suggestion made by my great friend Matt Mullins. He has some music here on Newgrounds under Spazbunny. You should check him out, review him some. Especially our collab, Obscurity. Thanks once again!

Well Composed....

Ok :D

The problems as I see it are; You seem to have A LOT of clipping problems. That explosion noise needs to have is midrange tuned down. The bass line needs its midrange turned down as well, to give it a nice deep hum. You really need to put some more effects on the instruments other than what i think is a reverb and delay. Like a multiband compressor. An effect called a soft clipper should be put on your master channel. I think the Rave instrument needs a flange or a chorus effect. I really dislike the stock FL clap :P. The lead bell instrument around 1:40 needs a filter put on it to stop the really high frequencies from blowing your ears to pieces when played at high volumes :P I think....In general, the mid range frequencies of this song need to be brought down, to stop clipping, and all the instruments, other than the bass, need to have A LOT less bass. I also think the cymbals at the end of the song need to be quieter.

Now :D

The good points; As far as I can see, the tune is friggen awesome and the movement from different "feels" or "ambiance" in this song is really well implemented. I like how it changes from a happy mood to more of a dark one. The selection of instruments is nice and fits the song nicely. The reverse clap thing you have going on sound magnificent. Overall the song is composed very well. The percussion is great and doesn't stay boring, the lead instruments vary a lot, but work very well with this song. All of the intruments flow together very well.

So in short, well composed, poorly mastered :P

If you concentrate on your mastering skills and work those up, you'll be a VERY good artist my friend. Hope to hear more from you :D

Your friend,


P.S If you could do a short review on my later stuff it would be appreciated :D

Joobles responds:

Well, hell, of course I'll review your later stuff. And thanks, once again, for the review. I'll definately try to fix all those thindgs, that's exactly what I needed.

Book of Anima 16:23 "For the wages of spamming is death, but for the gift of good music is eternal awesome-ness in Anima Theory...The Lord of Fruity Loops."

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